Lifetime Manufacturer's Guarantee
Next Day Delivery Available

Burton McCall 

Interested in having your trusty secateurs serviced?

Servicing is offered by the UK Felco Distributor, Burton McCall


World of Felco are not responsible or liable for the servicing offered by Burton McCall Ltd. If you have any questions regarding the servicing available from Burton McCall Ltd then you must contact them directly (not us) as we will have no record of your transaction with Burton McCall Ltd and will be unable to assist you.

For all your servicing needs for Felco products please send them to the following address:

Att: Customer Services
Burton McCall Ltd
Conqueror House
Hastings Road

Turnaround for servicing is usually up to 28 days but due to Coronavirus, there may be severe delays. Contact Burton McCall directly for more information regarding this and anything else regarding servicing.

Send a cheque made payable to Burton McCall Ltd with your secateurs OR send the secateurs and Burton McCall will contact you for payment by card upon receipt of the secateurs. Payment in advance for secateurs that have not been received by Burton McCall Ltd is not available.

The cost is £27.50 per pair which includes return postage, any replacement nuts, bolts, springs, handles, blades, etc. and VAT.

Have you sent off your secateurs for servicing and wish to check the progress?
For enquiries and information on servicing call Burton McCall on 01162 344 646.