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Sunshine Garden Centre from its earlier beginnings has tried  to ensure all customers visiting with disabilities or mobility problems can shop with us with the greatest of ease.  We have created wide aisles throughout the whole Garden Centre to ensure easy movement. 

Car Parking

Car-parking for our customers with disabilities or mobility issues can be found in the top left-hand corner of the carpark next to the customer collection gate or by the exit gate, a short distance away from the ramp leading to our store entrance. Parent and child parking is in the bottom right-hand corner next to the Giant Red Barbecue!  Both areas are clearly sign-posted within the carpark.


If you would like to borrow a wheelchair during your visit, please ask one of our colleagues in the carpark or at the reception desk.  We have a fully serviced and clean fleet!

We also have special wheelchair trolleys available that attach to the front of the wheelchair, making it easier to collect up all the items you may need.

Toilet Facilities 

Toilet facilities can be found in the main building in the food hall by our till area.  

There are baby changing facilities in both the Garden Centre’s toilets and in Café Sol e Mio’s toilet facilities. 

We want to and will help

Should you need us to help you around the Garden Centre to see all the lovely plants and products whether it be in a wheelchair or as a helping hand to support your walk, we would be more than happy to assist on request. 

Carry to the Car Service 

We offer a carry to car service to all our customers so there’s no need to worry if you’re planning on making a large or heavy purchase.  One of the team will be on hand to assist you lifting any items and will be happy to transfer the items to your vehicle.


All dogs are welcome if they can be either carried by their owners or will sit in a trolley comfortably lined by a member of our team.  

Guide and Assistance Dogs are of course the exception to the above and are welcomed in on their leads.   

We’d like to know how we can make things better 

If there are areas of our business that would make shopping with us easier for you, we’d really like to hear from you. 

Please send us your feedback to